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The official account of Qasser Al Saraya Furniture social media

In the context of the company's keenness to provide adequate support to its valued customers, whether new or existing customers, the company must clarify that the official accounts documented by the company on social media platforms are:

Twitter (@qasseralsaraya) 

Instagram (@qasseralsaraya) 

Snapchat (@qasseralsaraya) 

Facebook (@qasseralsaraya) 

Tik Tok (@qasseralsaraya) 

LinkedIn (@qasseralsaraya) 

Through these platforms, customers can obtain the necessary assistance for all inquiries or provide the required service to them.

We confirm that there are no accounts other than those listed above.

Therefore, our valued customers are kindly requested to be careful and make sure that if they wish to communicate, they should check the correctness of our pages on the communication platforms.

You can also contact the unified number to obtain the necessary assistance as well: 8001243888

To view the exhibition addresses and working hours, please visit the ( Address ) page